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November 6, 2023by rp@niall

All You Need To Know About HACCP Certification

HACCP in the food industry
Hazard analysis critical control point is the rules to be followed by any entity involved or related to the food industry. There is a direct linkage between HACCP Certification and entering a market or industry of food. If you are not recognized or certified, there will be no room for you. It is a simple formula to stay here and get HACCP in the food industry for the long run.Food is an irreplaceable commodity yet has endless options for the consumer. The necessity of food in the lives of a living beings can never be suppressed or overlooked. With the present dynamics, people care about their health, and while buying food or groceries, they check for authentication by a recognized body. HACCP Certification is the globally recognized medium for certifying a food component or food company.

Why is HACCP Certification necessary for every food company?

A system developed by NASA to ensure food safety guidelines are laid down at a global level is the most thorough introduction to HACCP Certification. The guidelines are laid down to benchmark each process carried on by an organization during the food supply chain. It has seven principles that help organizations take up necessary actions and conduct analyses against possible hazards.

Benefits of having HACCP in the food industry

There are various benefits of HACCP Certification for a company dealing in the food supply chain. The most prominent ones include the identification of possible hazards and monitoring the action plan to combat the same. It helps an organization minimize the impact over the supply chain stages and ensure corrective actions are taken within a defined time frame. The certification helps establish a verified procedure to preserve the record-keeping of processes.
Every business entity is entitled to conduct safe business for their perpetual existence and serve customers’ needs as per the demand. HACCP in the food industry is one of the most essential and mandatory certifications that helps them stand out from the crowd. It is recommended to every start-up and business that aims to serve in the food supply chain for an extended interval.


Food Certification and Consultancy offer by Niall Services

FSSC 22000 / FSSC 22000-Version 5

ISO ready to use kit offer by Niall Services

ISO 9001:2015 Documentation Kit
ISO 14001:2015 Documentation Kit
ISO 45001:2018 Documentation Kit
ISO 22000:2018 Documentation Kit
ISO 27001 Documentation Kit
